The proliferation of mobile devices like smartphones and Tablets and new streaming, social networking and P2P applications requires a higher connection capacity and new application control technologies. As an enterprise security gateway it must use multiple technologies to control network access, detect sophisticated attacks and provide additional security capabilities like data loss prevention and protection from web-based threats. It is a security device presented with an ever-increasing number of sophisticated threats. Today the enterprise gateway is more than a firewall. Security Management from the Cloud (Quantum Smart-1 Cloud).Branch Virtual Security Gateway (Quantum Edge).sk65210 - SSL Network Extender E75 - specific information about SNX + more detailed information about JRE and library requirements on various Linux distributions.sk67820 - Check Point Remote Access Solutions - information about all the Check Point VPN clients including supported client operating systems.See Mobile Access R77 Versions Administration Guide. Also the gateway must be configured appropriately. To be able to use SNX with the gateway there must be the correct license there (Mobile Access Blade). Later gateway versions (R75.30 till the current R77.30) contain the up-to-date version of SNX available at the time of the gateway release but I think that SNX was not substantially updated during these gateway releases. Till the gateway version R75.20 there is an SNX update hotfix available on Check Point downloads with links in sk65210 - SSL Network Extender E75. This means that the primary place from which is SNX distributed to client machines is the Check Point VPN gateway. Then, after your agreement SNX is downloaded and installed using a Java Applet. You first authenticate to the VPN gateway using a normal web form. SNX as a classical SSL VPN client is a thin client which is supposed to be installed over a session when you first connect from your web browser to the VPN gateway. Short answer: A standalone SSL Network Extender (SNX) installer is not available from the official Check Point downloads.