In my previous post on this thread i might have been mistaken, I think I used freetrack and couldnt get it to work.Now im all confused, is freetrack and facetracknoir the same program?Disregard my previous post, I can be mistaken as im not sure what program I used anymore.SorryHi flyinpilot212121,No problemo: you must have tried Free-track, which is a great program, but does indeed require some head-gear with LED's. Now what do I have to do to get this work in FSX? Any special setting I am missing? You say it connects via SimConnect, but do I need to do more than start the application and run face tracking?Thanks for some help, as this might be a useful thing for me! I downloaded it and it seems to track my face, at least inside the program. Any questions? Post them here.V4FriendBTW.: It would be greatly appreciated if content users become donators. The website offers a lot of information, so please just read it. You can download it all here: FaceTrackNoIR downloads. offer support for Combat Flight Simulator 3 (and thus Over Flanders Fields).offer support for MS Flight Simulator X (Simconnect).offer support for MS Flight Simulator 2002/2004 (FSUIPC.dll needed).Hello (Microsoft) flight-simmers!Last week I released version 1.4 of FaceTrackNoIR, that has a few very interesting features for you! The previous version did not, but version 1.4 does: